Our news

18.11.2016 Puppies from Anil and Malina were born. They are available for reservation.

18.11.2016 Puppies from Anil and Malina were born. They are available for reservation.

          When you book 20% discount


You can make a reservation for one of our puppies (2016-2017)

Best puppies are reserved in advance and with a good discount. By the way in our kennel if you reserve a puppy beforehand, you get 20 % discount;)

Gladiator gets «Best puppy» prize

For the last few days we were very delighted with the success of our puppy Gladiator on the World Dog Show that took place in Moscow this weekend. The World Dog Show is a global event. A huge number of excellent animals were gathered in Moscow in "Crocus Expo".

Walter wins!

Walter wins!

Yesterday our puppies Almon Tibet Walter and Almon Tibet Bella arrived inTashkent (their new home), and today they have already participated in dog show and Walter took first prize! We are very happy! We genially congratulate the new owner, Georgy!

Мы опубликовали новые фото щенков от Азиль и Бао!

Мы опубликовали новые фото щенков от Азиль и Бао!

Их можно посмотреть на страничке "щенки"

Есть щенки доступные для приобретения. Все щенки Йодово-красного окраса, есть мальчики и девочки.

We are happy to congratulate our puppy

The puppy that was sold last season, Electra, the daughter of Bao and Azil, got her first CAC prize. There were seven competitors. But she won!

Сongratulations to Electra and her owner Irina!

Все щенки от китайской пары Бао/Мэй нашли любящих хозяев!

Все щенки нашли родителей!

Вы можете оставить заявку на щенка от этой пары следущего сезона.

Успехи сыночка нашего, Бао Яла

Поздравляем Ларису Дмитриеву и Яла!

Dog Show 'BRIZ' ZAMOSKVARETSI MOY TALISMAN ( home naDog Show 'BRIZ' ZAMOSKVARETSI MOY TALISMAN ( home name YAL, f. Daco Tianbao of Jing Xi Kennel & m. Zamoskvaretsj Stesha)He is 9 months ,Best Junior ,ВОВ! Thank judge Yana Gavrilova, 
Выставка "БРИЗ" ЗАМОСКВОРЕЧЬЕ МОЙ ТАЛИСМАН(дома ЯЛ, о.Daco Tianbao of Jing Xi Kennel & м. Замоскворечье Стеша), ему на момент выставки 9 месяцев и 3 дня, ЛУЧШИЙ ЮНИОР породы, ЛУЧШИЙ ПРЕДСТАВИТЕЛЬ породы. Благодарю эксперта Яну Гаврилову и хендлера Надежду Лавриненко!mDog Show 'BRIZ' ZAMOSKVARETSI MOY TALISMAN ( home name YAL, f. Daco Tianbao of Jing Xi Kennel & m. Zamoskvaretsj Stesha)He is 9 months ,Best Junior ,ВОВ! Thank judge Yana Gavrilova,